报告题目:Porphyry and epithermal ore formation in post-subduction tectonicsettings
报 告 人:Jeremy Richards教授
Jeremy Richards教授于1983年于剑桥大学获得地质学学士学位、1986年于加拿大多伦多大学获得矿床学硕士学位、于1990年在澳大利亚国立大学获得矿床学博士学位。随后在加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学、英国莱斯特大学、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学进行教学科研工作。并于2002年在阿尔伯塔大学晋升教授至今。
Jeremy Richards教授是国际著名矿床学家,在斑岩铜矿体系研究领域建树颇丰,近年来他的研究兴趣主要集中在俯冲-碰撞体制下构造-岩浆-成矿作用,对北美、南美、中东及西南太平洋地区开展了深入研究。目前,JeremyRichards教授已经发表学术论文超过80篇(大部分为第一作者),并主要刊登在Geology、GCA、Economic Geology和Nature Geosciences等地学顶级期刊上。除此之外,他还担任Economic Geology和Nature Scientific Report的副主编。2015年,为表彰他在矿床学基础研究领域的杰出贡献,国际经济地质协会(SEG)授予他中青年科学家最高奖-银奖(SEG Silver Medal),并当选为2016年SEG专刊主编。
Re-meltingof the deep-crustal residues of arc magmatism (amphibole gabbro cumulates)during tectonic events that occur aftersubduction has ceased or migrated to a new location, such as collision orback-arc extension, may generate a suite of ore deposits that are onlyindirectly related to subduction. Such remobilization events may occur soonafter arc activity has ceased, or millions to billions of years later inresponse to unrelated tectonic events, such as continental rifting. Because ofthe potential involvement of various crustal sources during theseremobilization events, the type of magma can range from mafic and alkaline tohighly silicic, and associated ore deposits can range from alkalic-type Au,though normal-looking porphyry Cu±Mo±Au, to felsic porphyry Mo. Some types ofsulfur-poor iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposit may also form in rifted arcsettings.