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1. Li Chao, Yan Jun*. 2022. Geochronological and geochemical characteristics of continental basalts of the eastern North China Craton: insights into crust–mantle interaction induced by continental subduction. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177: 45. //doi.org/10.1007/s00410-022-01911-y 2. Wang Sinuo, Yan Jun*, Wang Deen, Xu Shengfa. 2022. Nature and evolution of the Late Cretaceous lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern Jiangnan orogenic belt: constraints from peridotite xenoliths. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177: 25. //doi.org/10.1007/s00410-022-01895-9 3. Wang Sinuo, Yan Jun*. 2021. Coexisting Early Cretaceous arc-type and OIB-type mafic magmatic rocks in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen, South China Block: Implications for paleo-Pacific plate subduction. Lithos, 400-401, 106421.//doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106421 4. Li Chao, Yan Jun*. 2021. Geochemical, mineralogy, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of the gold-related lamprophyre in the Bengbu-Wuhe Area, southeastern North China Craton: Implications for gold mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 132, 104050.//doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104050 5. Qi Fei, Yan Jun*. 2021. Zircon Trace Element Constraints on U-Pb Dating: A Case Study of the Huayuangong A-type Granite in the Lower Yangtze Region, Eastern China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 95(4): 1171–1182.//onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1755672 6. Yan Jun*, Liu Xiaoqiang, Wang Sinuo, Xie Jiancheng, Liu Jianmin. 2021. Metallogenic type controlled by magma source and tectonic regime: Geochemical comparisons of Mesozoic magmatism between the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Belt and the Dabie Orogen, eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 133, 104095.//doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104095 7. Yang Chao, Yan Jun*, Wang Sinuo, Song Shiming, Zhang Dingyuan, Liu Jianmin. 2021. Petrogenesis of the late Mesozoic Bashan complex in the Lower Yangtze River Belt, eastern China: Implications for the definition and significance of A-type granite. Lithos, 392-393, 106144.//doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106144 0024-4937 8. Wang Sinuo, Yan Jun*, Li Quanzhong, Liu Jianmin, Xie Jiancheng, Yang Chao. 2021. Petrogenesis of the Late Mesozoic gabbros in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen, South China: Characteristics of the lithospheric mantle. Geological Journal. 56: 382–404.//doi.org/10.1002/gj.3964 9. Li Yixi, Yan Jun*, Song Chuanzhong, Li Chao, Yang Qingliang, Li Zhensheng. 2021. Petrogenesis of late Mesozoic granitoids from the southern segment of the Tan-Lu Fault, eastern China: implications for the tectonic affinity of the Zhangbaling Uplift, International Geology Review, 63(4): 453–475.//doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2020.1716401 10. Li Chao, Yan Jun*, Yang Chao, Song Chuanzhong, Wang Aiguo,Zhang Dingyuan. 2020. Generation of leucogranites via fractional crystallization: A case study of the Jurassic Bengbu granite in the southeastern North China Craton, Lithos, 352-353: 105271. //doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105271 11. Li Chao, Yan Jun*, Wang Aiguo, Liu Jianmin, Li Zhensheng. 2020. Petrogenesis of Cretaceous granitoids in the Bengbu-Wuhe area, southeastern North China Craton: Implications for gold mineralization, Ore Geology Reviews, 126, 103740. //doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103740 12. Yang Chao, Yan Jun*, Wang Sinuo, Li Quanzhong, Song Shiming, Zhang Dingyuan, Zhang Xiang. 2020. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Late Mesozoic magmatic rocks in the Chizhou Area, Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic setting, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 213,106515.//doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103740 13. Yue Qian, Yan Jun*, Liu Jianmin, Xie Jiancheng, Li Quanzhong, Luo Qiankun. 2020. Geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the early Cretaceous granitoids in the Jingde-Guangde area, Anhui province, South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.104150 14. Liu Xiaoqing, Yan Jun*. 2020. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Sikongshan intrusion in the Dabie Orogen, Central China: Implication for Mesozoic geodynamic background. Geological Journal, 55: 3010–3035.DOI: 10.1002/gj.3536 15. 韩园园,闫峻*,杨超,王思诺. 2019. 江南造山带东段桃岭-段莘带花岗岩锆石 定年及年代学格架.矿物岩石, 39(2): 34-44 16. 杨超, 闫峻*, 李全忠, 王思诺, 黄志忠, 宋世明, 张晓东. 2019. 安徽池州许桥—乌古墩铅锌矿石榴子石和锆石U⁃Pb定年. 地质科学, 54(3): 929-952 17. Liu Xiaoqiang, Yan Jun*, Wang Aiguo, Li Quanzhong, Xie Jiancheng. 2018. Origin of the Cretaceous ore-bearing granitoids in the Beihuaiyang Zone, northern margin of the Dabie Orogen, Eastern China. 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Petrogenetic contrastive studies on the Mesozoic early stage ore-bearing and late stage ore-barren granites from the southern Anhui Province.Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,60(11): 1920-1941. 闫峻*, 后田结, 王爱国, 王德恩, 张定源, 翁望飞, 刘建敏, 刘晓强, 李全忠. 2017. 皖南中生代早期成矿和晚期非成矿花岗岩成因对比. 中国科学: 地球科学,47(11): 1269-1291. 23. 张媛媛, 闫峻*, 刘晓强, 陈永康. 2017. 大别造山带岳西地区岩脉群锆石定年及意义. 矿物岩石, 37(1): 49-56 24. 高冉, 闫峻*, 李全忠, 刘晓强, 王思诺. 2017. 皖南谭山岩体成因:年代学和地球化学制约. 高校地质学报, 23(2): 227-243 25. 陈永康, 闫峻*, 刘晓强, 张媛媛, 李全忠. 2017. 北大别混合岩类型及其成因. 矿物岩石, 37(2): 18-32 26. 姚洪忠, 闫峻*, 刘晓强, 刘建敏, 李全忠. 2016. 长江中下游地区晚中生代岩浆岩氧逸度特征及意义. 地质科学, 51(4): 1163-1180 27. 刘晓强,闫峻*,王爱国,李全忠,张媛媛. 2016. 大别造山带岳西地区中生代岩浆岩年代学研究. 地质论评, 62(4):897-914 28. 刘建敏,闫峻*,陈丹丹,李全忠,刘晓强,姚洪忠,史磊,陈志洪. 2016. 长江中下游地区繁昌盆地火山岩成因:锆石Hf-O同位素制约. 岩石学报,32(2): 289-302 29. Yan Jun*, Liu Jianmin, Li Quanzhong, Xing Guangfu, Liu Xiaoqiang, Xie Jiancheng,Chu Xiaoqiang, Zhihong Chen. 2015. In situ zircon Hf-O isotopic analyses of late Mesozoic magmatic rocks in the Lower Yangtze River Belt, central eastern China: Implications for petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution. 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Yan Jun,* Liu HaiQuan, Song ChuanZhong, Xu XiSheng, An YaJun, Liu Jia & Dai LiQun. 2009. Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the volcanic rocks from Fanchang-Ningwu volcanic basins in the Lower Yangtze region and its geological implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(16): 2895-2904 44. Yan Jun*, Chen Jiang-Feng, Xu Xi-Sheng.2008. Geochemistry of Cretaceous mafic rocks from the Lower Yangtze region, eastern China: Characteristics and evolution of the lithospheric mantle. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 33: 177–193 (SCI收录) 45. Yan Jun*, Zhao Jian-Xin. 2008. Cenozoic alkali basalts from Jingpohu, NE China: the role of lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction. 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