论著获奖 | 1. Deng YF, Yuan F, Hollings P, Song XY, Zhou TF, Fu B, Denyszyn S, Zhao B. 2020. Magma generation and sulfide saturation of Permian mafic-ultramafic intrusions from the western part of the Northern Tianshan in NW China: implications for Ni-Cu mineralization. Mineralium Deposita, 55: 515-534. 2. Deng YF, Song XY, Hollings P, Chen LM, Zhou TF, Yuan F, Xie W, Zhang DY, Zhao B. 2017. Lithological and geochemical constraints on the magma conduit systems of the Huangshan Ni-Cu sulfide deposit, NW China. Mineralium Deposita, 52(6): 845-862. 3. Deng YF, Song XY, Chen LM, Zhou TF, Pirajno F, Yuan F, Xie W, Zhang DY. 2014. Geochemistry of the Huangshandong Ni-Cu deposit in northwestern China: Implications for the formation of magmatic sulfide mineralization in orogenic belts. Ore Geology Reviews, 56: 181-198. 4. Deng YF, Song XY, Hollings P, Zhou T, Yuan F, Chen LM, Zhang D. 2015. Role of asthenosphere and lithosphere in the genesis of the Early Permian Huangshan mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the Northern Tianshan, NW China. Lithos, 227: 241-254. 5. Deng YF, Yuan F, Zhou TF, Xu C, Zhang DY, Guo XJ. 2015. Geochemical characteristics and tectonic setting of the Tuerkubantao mafic-ultramafic intrusion in West Junggar, Xinjiang, China. Geoscience Frontiers, 6: 141-152. 6. Deng YF, Yuan F, Zhou T, Zhang D, Guo X, Zhang R, Zhao B. 2015. Zircon U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd isotopes of the Ural-Alaskan type Tuerkubantao mafic-ultramafic intrusion in southern Altai orogen, China: petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113: 36-50. 7. Deng YF, Yuan F, Zhou T, Hollings P, Zhang D. 2018. Geochemistry and tectonic implications of the Early Carboniferous Keketuobie intrusion in the West Junggar foldbelt, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 159(15): 142-154. 8. Song XY, Deng YF, Xie W, Yi JN, Fu B, Chen LM, Yu SY, Zheng WQ, Liang QL. 2021. Prolonged basaltic magmatism and short-lived magmatic sulfide mineralization in orogenic belts. Lithos, //doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106114 9. Yuan F, Deng YF, Zhou T, Zhang D, Xu C, Jowitt SM, Zhang R, Zhao B. 2017. Petrogenesis and timing of emplacement of porphyritic monzonite, dolerite, and basalt associated with the Kuoerzhenkuola Au deposit, Western Junggar, NW China: implications for early Carboniferous tectonic setting and Cu–Au mineralization prospectivity. International Geology Review, 59(9): 1154-1174. 10. 邓宇峰, 宋谢炎, 颉炜, 袁峰, 赵照明, 韦帅, 祝近近, 康健, 王开元, 梁庆林, 陈列锰, 于宋月. 2021. 黄山-镜儿泉铜镍成矿带地层时代的厘定及其地质意义探讨. 地质学报, 95(2): 362-376. 11. 邓宇峰, 宋谢炎, 陈列锰, 程松林, 张新利, 李军. 2011. 东天山黄山西含铜镍矿镁铁-超镁铁岩体岩浆地幔源区特征研究. 岩石学报, 27(12): 3640-3652. 12. 邓宇峰, 宋谢炎, 颉炜, 陈松林, 李军. 2011. 新疆北天山黄山东含铜镍矿镁铁-超镁铁岩体岩浆源区特征研究. 地质学报, 85(9): 1435-1452. 13. 邓宇峰,周涛发,袁峰,郭旭吉,张达玉,许超,李鹏. 2014. 西准噶尔阔尔真阔腊金矿区玄武安山岩锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义. 地质学报,88(5): 883-894. 14. 邓宇峰,周涛发,袁峰,杜兴旺,张达玉,许超. 2015. 西准噶尔萨吾尔地区科克托别基性岩体岩石成因:地球化学和锆石U-Pb年代学证据. 岩石学报, 31(2): 465-478. 15. 邓宇峰, 宋谢炎, 周涛发, 袁峰, 陈列锰, 郑文勤. 2012. 新疆东天山黄山东岩体橄榄石成因意义探讨. 岩石学报, 28(7): 2224-2234. 16. 赵冰冰, 邓宇峰, 周涛发, 袁峰, 张达玉, 邓刚, 李卫东, 李跃. 2018. 东天山白鑫滩含铜镍矿镁铁-超镁铁岩体的岩石成因:年代学、岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素证据. 岩石学报, 34(9):2733-2753. 17. 赵冰冰,邓宇峰,周涛发,袁峰,张达玉,李鹏,张若飞. 2017. 西准噶尔地区乌散岩体成因:来自年代学、岩石学和地球化学的证据. 地质学报, 90(5): 950-970. 18. 林涛, 邓宇峰, 屈文俊, 周涛发, 袁峰, 邓刚. 2017. 新疆东天山地区三岔口铜矿床的成因:岩石学、年代学和地球化学证据. 矿物岩石, 37(4): 47-61. 19. 林涛, 邓宇峰, 陈斌, 王志强, 孙克克, 赵冰冰. 2019. 新疆西天山阿拉套山东部孔吾萨依A型花岗岩成岩年代、地球化学特征及成因. 地质学报, 93(5): 1020-1036. 20. 杨治, 邓宇峰, 袁峰, 李跃, 林涛, 张顺林, 张家嘉. 2019. 蚌埠五河地区金矿床成矿物质来源及其年代学研究—以河口和荣渡金矿床为例. 岩石学报, 35(12): 3875-3893. |