
余 垚


   姓 名:余垚  

    性 别:男


    职 称:



    E-mail[email protected]


    通信地址:安徽省合肥市包河区合肥工业大学屯溪路校区 色播

    邮 编:230009


2009.09-2013.07 中国农业大学资源与环境色播 环境工程学士;

2013.09-2019.06 中国农业大学资源与环境色播 环境科学与工程博士(硕博连读);

2019.08-2020.03 江苏省农业科色播农业资源与环境研究所 科研岗在编人员;








  1. Yao Yu, Zhe Liu, Liyun Luo, Pingnan Fu, Qi Wang, Hua-fen Li. 2019. Selenium uptake and biotransformation in Brassica rapa supplied with selenite and selenate: A hydroponic work with HPLC speciation and RNA-sequencing. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67(45): 12408-12418..

  2. Yao Yu, Pingnan Fu, Qingqing Huang, Jingsuo Zhang, Huafen Li. 2019. Accumulation, subcellular distribution, and oxidative stress of cadmium in Brassica chinensis supplied with selenite and selenate at different growth stages. Chemosphere. 216: 331-340.

  3. Yao Yu, Zhong Zhuang, Liyun Luo, Yaqi Wang, Huafen Li. 2019. Difference between selenite and selenate in selenium transformation and the regulation of cadmium accumulation in Brassica chinensis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26(24): 24532-24541.

  4. Yao Yu, Yanan Wan, Aboubacar Younoussa Camara, Huafen Li. 2018. Effects of the addition and aging of humic acid-based amendments on the solubility of Cd in soil solution and its accumulation in rice. Chemosphere. 196: 303-310.

  5. Yao Yu, Sili Yuan, Jian Zhuang, Yanan Wan, Qi Wang, Jingsuo Zhang, Huafen Li. 2018. Effect of selenium on the uptake kinetics and accumulation of and oxidative stress induced by cadmium in Brassica chinensis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 162: 571-580.

  6. Yao Yu, Yanan Wan, Qi Wang, Huafen Li. 2017. Effect of humic acid-based amendments with foliar application of Zn and Se on Cd accumulation in tobacco. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 138: 286-291.

  7. Yao Yu, Sili Yuan, Yanan Wan, Qi Wang, Huafen Li. 2017. Effect of humic acid-based amendments on exchangeable cadmium and its accumulation in rice seedlings. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy. 36 (5): 1308-1313.

  8. 余垚,罗丽韵,刘哲,付平南,李花粉. 2020. 青菜中镉的吸收和累积对硒的响应规律. 环境科学. 41(2): 962-969.

  9. 余垚,朱丽娜,郭天亮,黄青青,王琪,陈清,李花粉. 2018. 我国含磷肥料中镉和砷土壤累积风险分析. 农业环境科学学报. 37(7): 1326-1331.

10. 余垚,张敏,万亚男,李飞,李花粉. 2015. 猪粪对生菜和菠菜吸收和累积镉的影响. 环境科学与技术. 38(7): 71-76.


