论著获奖 | 近五年以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文(*为通讯作者): Xiaoyu Yuan, Manlan Niu*, Qianru Cai, GuangZhu,Qi Wu, Xiucai Li, Yi Sun,ChenLi. 2022. The implication of two episodic Precambrian supercontinents convergence events from enriched mantle beneath the Yangtze Block: Constraints from the Zhangbaling mafic rocks. Precambrian Research 371(2022) 106561. Chen Li, Manlan Niu*, Xiucai Li, Zhen Yan, Qi Wu, Yi Sun, Xiaoyu Yuan. 2022. Origin and Precambrian paleogeography of the North Wulan terrane, northwestern China: A coherent model of the Tarim–Qilian–Quanji continent during the Columbia–Rodinia supercontinent cycle. Gondwana Research.101(2022)132-155. Xiaoyu Yuan, Manlan Niu*, Qianru Cai, GuangZhu,Qi Wu, Xiucai Li, Yi Sun,ChenLi,TaoQian. 2022.The nature of Paleoproterozoic basement in the northern Yangtze and its geological implication. Precambrian Research,378(2022) 106761. Li Chen, Niu Manlan*, Yuan Xiaoyu, Zhen Yan, Wu Qi, Li Xiucai, Sun Yi. 2022. Geochemical signals of coexisting magma mixing and fractional crystallization processes in the arc setting: Case study of Wulan intrusive suite in the NE Tibet Plateau. Lithos. 390-391:106914. Yi Sun, Manlan Niu*, Zhen Yan, Richard M. Palin, Chen Li, Xiucai Li, Xiaoyu Yuan.2022. Late early Paleozoic continental collision on the northern margin of the Central Qilian Block, NE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from a two-stage tectono–metamorphic event. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,232 (2022) 105121. Li Xiucai, Niu Manlan*, Zhen Yan, Chris Yakymchuk, Changlei Fu, Li Chen, Sun Yi, Wu Qi, Jiahao He. 2022. Early Paleozoic Continental Arc Mafic Magmatism in the North Qaidam Tectonic Belt: Implications for Subduction of the Proto-Tethyan Oceanic Lithosphere. Lithosphere. Volume 2022, Article ID 3011662, 26 pages //doi.org/10.2113/2022/3011662. Manlan Niu, Qianru Cai, Xiucai Li, Chris Yakymchuk, Qi Wu, Xiaoyu Yuan, Yi Sun.2021. Early Paleozoic tectonic transition from oceanic to continental subduction in the North Qaidam tectonic belt: constraints from geochronology and geochemistry of syncollisional magmatic rocks. Gondwana Research. 91:58-80. 牛漫兰*,文凤玲,闫臻,吴齐,李秀财,孙毅,李晨. 2021. 南祁连拉脊山构造带早古生代岩浆混合作用:以马场岩体为例.岩石学报,37(8):2364-2384. Xiaoyu Yuan, Manlan Niu*, Qianru Cai, Qi Wu, Guang Zhu,Xiucai Li, Yi Sun,Chen Li. 2021. Bimodal volcanic rocks in the northeastern margin of the Yangtze Block: Response to breakup of Rodinia supercontinent. Lithos. 390-391:106108 Qianru Cai, Manlan Niu*, Xiaoyu Yuan, Qi Wu, Guang Zhu, Yi Sun Xiucai Li, Yi Sun,Chen Li. 2021. Evidence for continental rifting from two episodes of mid-Neoproterozoic silicic magmatism in the northeastern Yangtze Block, China. Precambrian Research363(2021) 106336. Niu Manlan*, Cai Qianru, Wu Qi, Yuan Xiaoyu, Sun Yi, Li Xiucai, Li Chen, Zhu Guang, Li Zhensheng, Zhang Shuai. 2020. Neoproterozoic Crustal Reworking and Growth in the Zhangbalign Uplift, Tan-Lu Fault Zone: Evidence from the Feidong Complex and Zhangbaling Group. Acta Geologica Sinica, 94(6):1921-1939. Sun, Y., Niu, M L*., Li, X C., Wu, Q., Cai, Q R., Yuan, X Y. and Li, C. 2020. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications from the Ayishan Group in the South Qilian Belt, NW China. Geological Journal 55, 6860-6877. Sun, Y., Niu, M L*. and Li, X C. 2020. Lajishan Ayishan Formation Rhyolites: Implications for the Closure Time of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 94, 55-56. Li, X C., Niu, M L*., Cai, Q R., Wu, Q., Sun, Y., Yuan, X Y. and Li, C. 2020. Mantle Response to Slab Breakoff in the North Qaidam Tectonic Belt: Geochemical Constraints from Syn-subduction Mafic Igneous Rocks. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 94, 26-27. 蔡倩茹,牛漫兰*,吴齐,苑潇宇,王婷,李秀财,孙毅. 2019. 郯庐断裂带南段张八岭群地层时代的重新厘定.地质科学,54(3):781-795. 孙毅,牛漫兰*,李秀财,吴齐,蔡倩茹,苑潇宇,文凤玲,李晨. 2019. 拉脊山阿伊山群中流纹岩的形成时代、地球化学特征及其构造意义. 地质科学,54(3):1016-1030. Ting Wang, Manlan Niu*, Qi Wu, Xiucai Li, Qianru Cai, Guang Zhu. 2019. Episodic bimodal magmatism at an active continental margin due to Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction: A case study from the southern segment of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone, eastern China. Lithos, 328-329:159-181. Xiucai Li, Manlan Niu*, Chris Yakymchuk, Qi Wu, Changlei Fu. 2019. A paired metamorphic belt in a subduction-to-collision orogen system: An example from the South Qilian-North Qaidam orogenic belt, NW China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37:479-508. 牛漫兰*, 赵齐齐, 吴齐, 李秀财, 闫臻, 李继亮, 孙毅, 苑潇宇. 2018. 柴北缘果可山岩体的岩浆混合作用:来自岩相学、矿物学和地球化学证据. 岩石学报, 34(7): 1991-2016. Xiucai Li, Manlan Niu*, Yakymchuk Chris, Zhen Yan, Changlei Fu, Qiqi Zhao. 2018. Anatexis of former arc magmatic rocks during oceanic subduction: A case study from the North Wulan gneiss complex. Gondwana Research, 61: 128-149.
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