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专著(教材) 1.徐利强,谢建成,周涛发. 2022.鬼斧神工的黄山地质.北京时代华文书局. in press. 2. Xu L.Q.* 2015. Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activity on the Eco-environment: An analysis of the Xisha Islands. Springer Theses, ISBN: 978-3-662-45002-4 (Print) 978-3-662-45003-1 (Online), Springer, Berlin. 3. 孙立广, 刘晓东, 晏宏, 徐利强, 刘毅, 周鑫. 2014. 南海岛屿生态地质学. 上海科学技术出版社. 4. 李双应, 谢建成, 徐利强. 2015. 黄山-太平湖及其周边地区地质认识实习教程. 科学出版社. 5. 朱勇兵, 赵三平, 刘晓东, 徐利强, 梅艳, 张艾澜, 韩梦薇, 于柏林, 李铁虎, 宋云扬, 吴方晖, 张金平. 2017. 污染场地处置——从理论到实践应用. 国防工业出版社.
代表性论文 1. Wang, F.M., Kong, D.M., Xu, L.Q.*, et al., 2022. Distributions of environmental radionuclides in a marine core from the eastern continental shelf of Hainan Island, South China Sea and risk assessment. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333: 197-207. 2. Xu, L.Q.*, Ji C., Kong, D.M., et al., 2021. Abrupt change in Vietnam coastal upwelling as a response to global warming. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(3): 488-495. 3.计超,徐利强*,张一辉等, 2020. 南海琼东上升流区过去1900年海洋生产力记录.海洋地质与第四纪地质, 40(5): 97-106. 4. Ji, C., Xu, L.Q.*, Zhang, Y., et al., 2020. A 1900-year record of mercury (Hg) from the east continental shelf of Hainan Island, South China Sea. Geological Journal, 55(6): 4469-4478. 5. Xu, L.Q.*, Wu, L.B., Zhang, Y.H. et al., 2019. Transport of cobalt and silver from the ocean to a reef island by seabirds in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124(10): 3005-3014. 6. Xu L.Q.*, Zhao J.J., Wu L.B., et al., 2018. Exploring the vertical accretion of ornithogenic sediments from the Xisha Islands, South China Sea, by seabird subfossils. Journal of Quaternary Science. 33(7): 819-826. 7. Wu L.B., Xu L.Q.*, Hou S.J., et al., 2018. Tissue-specific δ13C in ancient and modern tropical seabirds and flying fish in the Xisha Islands, South China Sea. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. 54(5): 508-521. 8. 赵晋军, 徐利强*, 吴礼彬等, 2018. 西沙赵述岛和北岛海鸟遗迹14C年代模型及意义. 地球环境学报, 9(1): 28-37. 9. 张一辉, 徐利强*, 吴礼彬, 周鑫. 2018. 南海琼东陆架海洋沉积物粒度分形特征及其影响因素. 地球科学与环境学报, 2018, 6: 739-745. 10. Wu L.B., Liu X.D. *, Xu L.Q.* 2017. Change of organic δ13C in the ornithogenic sediments of the Xisha archipelago, South China Sea and its environmental implication. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 91(3): 1109-1119. 11. Wu L.B., Liu X.D.*, Fu P.Q., Xu L.Q.*, et al., 2017. Dietary change in seabirds on Guangjin Island, South China Sea, over the past 1200 years inferred from stable isotope analysis. The Holocene, 27(3): 331-338. 12. 徐利强*. 2017. 新疆巴里坤鸣沙山风成沉积物粒度特征. 中国沙漠, (05): 18-24. 13. Xu L.Q.*, Liu X.D., Wu L.B., et al., 2016. Decline of recent seabirds inferred from a composite 1000-year record of population dynamics. Scientific Reports, 6, 35191; doi: 10.1038/srep35191 14. Xu L.Q.*, Liu X.D.*, Nie Y.G. 2016. Trace elements (Cu, Zn, and Hg) and δ13C/δ15N in seabird subfossils from three islands of the South China Sea and its implications. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188: 274. 15. 郭敏, 徐利强*. 2016. 巢湖沉积物稀土元素地球化学特征及环境意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质(4), 137-144. 16. 徐利强*, 徐芳, 周涛发. 2015. 巢湖沉积物粒度特征及其沉积学意义. 地理科学, 35(10), 1318-1324. 17. Xu L.Q., Liu X.D.*, Jiang S. 2014. Late-Holocene seabird palaeodietary record from Ganquan Island, South China Sea. Quaternary International, 333(3):139–145. 18. Xu L.Q., Liu X.D.*, Sun L.G. *, et al., 2012. Rapid identification of source material levels in coral sand ornithogenic sediments by reflectance spectroscopy. Ecological Indicators, 23: 517-523. 19. Xu L.Q., Liu X.D.*, Sun L.G.*, et al., 2011. A 700-year record of mercury in avian eggshells of Guangjin Island, South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 159: 889-896. 20. Xu L.Q., Liu X.D.*, Sun L.G.*, et al., 2011. Geochemical evidence for the development of coral island ecosystem in the Xisha Archipelago of South China Sea from four ornithogenic sediment profiles. Chemical Geology, 286: 135-145. 21. Xu L.Q., Liu X.D.*, Sun L.G.*, et al., 2011. A 2200-year record of seabird population on Ganquan Island, South China Sea. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 85(4): 957-967. 22. Liu X.D.*, Xu L.Q., Sun L.G.*, et al., 2011. A 400-year record of black carbon flux in the Xisha archipelago, South China Sea and its implications. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62: 2205-2212. 23. Xu L.Q., Liu X.D.*, Sun L.G.*, et al., 2010. Distribution of radionuclides in the guano sediments of Xisha Islands, South China Sea and its implication. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101: 362-368.
获奖 2021年,第三届全国大学青年教师地质课程教学比赛一等奖,中国地质学会 2019年,安徽省教学成果二等奖(R5),安徽省教育厅 2014年,Springer Theses Award,Springer 2013年,中国科色播优秀博士学位论文,中国科色播 2012年,求是研究生奖学金,求是科技基金会