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发表论文: [1] Wang, Q., Gu, X., Tang, S., Mohammad, A., Singh, D. N., Xie, H., Chen, Y., Zuo, X., Sun, Z. (2022). Gas Transport in Landfill Cover System: A Critical Appraisal. Journal of Environmental Management, 321, 116020. [2]Wang, Q., Bouazza, A., & Xie, H. (2022). Gas permeability of geosynthetic clay liners overlap seams. Geosynthetics International. //doi.org/10.1680/jgein.21.00092(online) [3] Wang, Q., Xie, H., Wu, J., Zhan, L., & Qiu, Z. (2021). Experimental investigation on methane advection and diffusion in geosynthetic clay liners. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 49(2), 442-451. [4] Wang, Q., Zuo, X., Fei, S., Xie, H., Qiu, Z., & Sun, Z. (2021). A semi-analytical model for methane transport and oxidation in a soil cover. Computers and Geotechnics, 134, 104117. [5] Wang, Q., Fei, S., Wang, L., Bouazza, A., Shen, S., & Xie, H. (2020). Investigation of methane fluxes from temporary cover of Xi’an Jiangcungou landfill, China. Environmental Geotechnics, 40(XXXX), 1-11. //doi.org/10.1680/jenge.19.00224(online) [6] Wang, Q., Bouazza, A., & Xie, H. (2021). Estimation of Fluorotelomer Alcohol (FTOH) Emissions, a PFAS Precursor, from Landfill Cover Systems. Environmental Geotechnics, 1-11. //doi.org/10.1680/jenge.21.00018(online) [7] Wang, Q., Zuo, X., Xia, M., Xie, H., He, F., Shen, S., ... & Zhu, L. (2019). Field investigation of temporal variation of volatile organic compounds at a landfill in Hangzhou, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(18), 18162-18180. [8] Xie, H., Wang, Q., Fei, S., Thomas, H. R., Xu, W., & Chen, Y. (2022). A two-dimensional semi-analytical model for tracer gas injection and transport in a landfill system. Computers and Geotechnics, 151, 104995.(通讯作者) [9] Wang, Q., Wu, J., Xie, H. (2018). Semi-analytical Model for Methane Transport and Oxidation Through Landfill Compacted Clay Liner (CCL) Cover. ICEG 2018: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, 1, 491-497. (EI收录) [10] Xie, H., Wang, Q., Wu, J., & Chen, Y. (2019). Analytical model for methane migration through fractured unsaturated landfill cover soil. Engineering Geology, 69-79. [11] Xie, H., Wang, Q., Bouazza, A., & Feng, S. (2018). Analytical model for vapour-phase VOCs transport in four-layered landfill composite cover systems. Computers and Geotechnics, 80-94. [12] Xie, H., Wang, Q., Yan, H., & Chen, Y. (2017). Steady-state analytical model for vapor phase VOCs diffusion in layered landfill composite cover systems. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(11): 1567-1579. [13] Shen, S., Wang, Q., Chen, Y., Zuo, X., He, F., Fei, S., Xie, H. (2018). Effect of Landfill Odorous Gas on Surrounding Environment: A Field Investigation and Numerical Analysis in a Large-Scale Landfill in Hangzhou, China. ICEG 2018: In The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (pp. 51-59). Springer, Singapore. (EI收录) [14] 谢海建, 王巧, 邱战洪, & 陈云敏. (2016). 基于CALMIM程序的典型填埋场甲烷释放规律分析. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 046(0z1), 31-35. (EI收录) [15] 郑紫荆,朱云海,王巧,谢海建,陈赟. (2021). 有机污染物在含土工膜复合隔离墙和含水层系统的运移半解析模型. 岩土力学. (EI收录) [16] 沈斯亮, 王巧, 谢海建, 詹良通, & 陈云敏. (2016). 基于CALPUFF模型的生活垃圾填埋场恶臭气体影响范围评估. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 046(0z1), 63-69. (EI收录) [17] Xie, H., Yan, H., Feng, S., Wang, Q., Chen, P. (2016). An analytical model for contaminant transport in landfill composite liners considering coupled effect of consolidation, diffusion, and degradation. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 23(19):1-14. [18] Xie, H., Zhang, C., Feng, S., Wang, Q., & Yan, H. (2018). Analytical Model for Degradable Organic Contaminant Transport through a GMB/GCL/AL System. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 144(3), 04018006. 申请发明专利: 王巧,谢海建,费爽珂,丁昊,詹良通,陈赟,一种用于填埋场渗漏探测的监测井布置和示踪剂注入边界确定方法,已公开,申请号: 202111407272.X (已公开) 谢海建,王巧,邱战洪,王顺玉,吴思芸,陈云敏. 用于测试非饱和介质气体扩散系数及渗透系数的实验装置(公开号CN108344668A),(已公开) |