论著获奖 |
1. Wu, S., Ge, H., Li, T., Wang, X., Li, N., Zou, Y. & Gao, K. (2022). Characteristics of fractures stimulated by supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing in shale based on acoustic emission monitoring. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (IF=7.135), 152, 105065. 2. Wu, S., Gao, K., Feng, Y. & Huang, X. (2022). Influence of slip and permeability of bedding interface on hydraulic fracturing: A numerical study using combined finite-discrete element method. Computers and Geotechnics (IF=4.956), 148, 104801. 3. Wu, S., Gao, K., Wang, X., Ge, H., Zou, Y. & Zhang, X. (2022). Investigating the propagation of multiple hydraulic fractures in shale oil rocks using acoustic emission. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (IF=6.730). 4. Wu, S., Li, T., Ge, H., Wang, X., Li, N., & Zou, Y. (2019). Shear-tensile fractures in hydraulic fracturing network of layered shale. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (IF=4.364), 183, 106428. 5. Wu, S., Ge, H., Wang, X.& Fang, B. (2017). Shale failure processes and spatial distribution of fractures obtained by AE monitoring. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (IF=4.965), 35,624-636.
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ResearchGate: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Shan-Wu-21
Energies((IF: 3.252)专刊客座主编(欢迎大家投稿) //www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/5278256FD3 Petroleum Science(中科院一区顶刊)青年编委 |